

The Best Prints, Posters and Photos in 5 Sizes. Choose from 1000's of Iconic Images From Travel, Aviation, Home Decor and Iconic Sports moments. From The 19th Century To The Very Latest. Get Unframed, Canvas Or Standard Frames With Easy Guaranteed World Wide Shipping.

Most popular print sizes worldwide and conversion charts from metric to imperial

Where do the paper sizes come from that we use around the globe?

The international paper size standard is ISO 216. It is based on the German DIN 476 standard for paper sizes. Each ISO paper size is one half of the area of the next larger size in the same series. ISO paper sizes are all based on a single aspect ratio of the square root of 2, or approximately 1:1.41421. There are different series, as well as several extensions.

The following international paper sizes are included in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): A3A4A5B4B5.


What are the Most Common Standard Picture Frame Sizes in Europe and the UK? 

The A sizes are by far the most common sizes used for picture framing (A6 to A3 are most popular) with A4 being the standard paper size for photo and print paper. The secret of framing anything though is to use the correct aspect ratio, ensuring a beautiful framing of the subject with uniformity around the subject. You can also use a mat (or a mount as we call it in the UK) which is basically a frame within a frame. This is a brilliant way to set off the art (making it a uniformed centrepiece) while also contrasting against the frame. It also helps to fit all kinds of size art or photo art into a standardised frame size.  


What are the Most Common Standard Picture Frame Sizes in Australia? 

There is a wide variety of picture frames and photo frames to suit different styles of artwork and images.

For photography, the most common sizes of photos are 4x6", 5x7", 8x10" and 16x20". Depending on if you want a matboard border around the photo, the frame size can become bigger because of this. 

For artworks, in Australia the most common sizes are A4, A3, and A2 to suit these popular paper sizes, which are also popular printing sizes. 


And what about the sizes in the US? 

 There are so many Photo and Print sizes in the USA (in inches) that there are no ‘most common picture frame sizes’ in the way there are in other places. With the sheer amount of frame sizes (and an almost endless amount of mat sizes) you really can have it your way.   

If you have a printer who undertakes ALL of the process in house (like us at, you can also work the other way however and find frame sizes, styles and designs (even upcycling old ones) and we can size and print to fit what you have. This is only possible with those who control the print process and have large format print equipment (we do).

Hope this helps you get some amazing walls 

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  • Jun 26, 2023
  • Category: News
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